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Mar 9, 2025
Jeff Schwarzentraub
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In This Series
Easter Sunday: Freedom
April 5, 2015
Jeff Schwarzentraub
Experiencing God at Work
April 12, 2015
Jeff Schwarzentraub
New Life
April 26, 2015
Jeff Schwarzentraub
Giving God Our Best
August 2, 2015
Jeff Schwarzentraub
I'M N! R U?
September 27, 2015
Jeff Schwarzentraub
Being Generous
November 1, 2015
Jeff Schwarzentraub
Christmas Eve: God With Us
December 24, 2015
Jeff Schwarzentraub
What's Our Vision
March 6, 2016
Jeff Schwarzentraub
Faithful Living in an Unfaithful World
January 15, 2017
Jeff Schwarzentraub
Anchored to the Gospel
April 9, 2017
Jeff Schwarzentraub
Still Hopeful
April 16, 2017
Jeff Schwarzentraub
Ready to Worship?
August 6, 2017
Jeff Schwarzentraub
Jesus Is Ready For You
August 13, 2017
Jeff Schwarzentraub
Christmas Eve: A Miraculous Testimony
December 24, 2017
Jeff Schwarzentraub
Favor for the New Year
December 31, 2017
Jeff Schwarzentraub
A BRAVE Vision
February 4, 2018
Jeff Schwarzentraub
A BRAVE Prayer
February 11, 2018
Jeff Schwarzentraub
Easter Sunday: You Can Still Reach Out
April 1, 2018
Jeff Schwarzentraub
Multiplying BRAVE Disciples
September 9, 2018
Jeff Schwarzentraub
Christmas Eve: The Coming King
December 24, 2018
Jeff Schwarzentraub
Stretching is a Blessing
December 30, 2018
Jeff Schwarzentraub
Today is the Day
January 6, 2019
Jeff Schwarzentraub
This is the day that the Lord has made. We only have today and should celebrate today in joy, because it is the only day we have. As believer’s we spend a lot of time looking through the rear-view mirror and get stuck, because we cannot move forwa...
Do Not Fear
February 17, 2019
Jeff Schwarzentraub
Jesus Christ's Mission
February 24, 2019
Jeff Schwarzentraub
Do you feel like your life has fallen into a routine? What about your walk with Christ? Sometimes we need to step back and examine our routines to make sure we're not just checking boxes but truly walking with Christ daily.
Easter Sunday: Not Guilty
April 21, 2019
Jeff Schwarzentraub
God sent His only begotten Son to die on a cross for ours sins. Through His death and resurrection we are declared Not Guilty!
What Now?
May 12, 2019
Jeff Schwarzentraub
In the current age of tragedy, what can we do as Christians and how are we supposed to respond?
Back on Track
January 5, 2020
Jeff Schwarzentraub
We can sometimes get into such a spiritual routine that we lose our passion for Jesus Christ. Taking inventory of our spiritual lives is very important if we desire to continue to move forward with Jesus. The Apostle Paul, as he wrote to the Phili...
Standing Firm in the Face of Fear
March 15, 2020
Jeff Schwarzentraub
You have been diagnosed with a disease that is worse than COVID-19. The Bible points out that every human being has contracted sin and it kills every single one of its victims. Sin will cause you to die and face eternity apart from Jesus Christ. B...
What in the World is Going On?
March 22, 2020
Jeff Schwarzentraub
Learn four action steps you can take when life is out of control. When Jesus was with His disciples on a boat in a storm, the disciples falsely believed that Jesus was uncaring, unconcerned, and unable to help them. However, to their surprise when...
You’re in BIG Trouble
March 29, 2020
Jeff Schwarzentraub
The onslaught of fear-based messaging by the media has caused many people (even believers) to question why the current situation is happening. Yes, COVID-19 is a very real concern, which can lead to tragic results, but in the midst of this, God wa...
Sound the Alarm
April 5, 2020
Jeff Schwarzentraub
In the book of Joel, God used His prophet to instruct Israel during a time of agricultural crisis and fear of attack from an enemy. During this time of crisis, God instructed His people that He was in control and wanted them to return to Him in hu...
Easter Sunday
April 12, 2020
Jeff Schwarzentraub
This week on Resurrection Sunday, we looked in the Gospel of Mark to gain an understanding of how Jesus defined one of His followers. So often, we hear the facts that Jesus rose from the dead, but this week we discovered the results of what respon...
Keep Running Your Race
April 19, 2020
Jeff Schwarzentraub
This week we talked about the importance of endurance as we continue our walk with Jesus Christ. Four ways of continuing to run were addressed in Hebrews 12:1-3 that can help us grow in our faith. At times when we are discouraged and want to quit,...
God and Us
April 26, 2020
Jeff Schwarzentraub
This week we discussed some of God’s glorious attributes and how we should respond based upon Psalm 139. This wonderful Psalm depicts the fact that God knows all things, is everywhere and is all-powerful. These attributes of God should absolutely ...
Gospel Responses
May 3, 2020
Jeff Schwarzentraub
This week we discussed the responses people always have to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Four soils were addressed by Jesus in His parable. Jesus provided three examples of bad soil that produce nothing because the Word is not allowed to take root a...
I’m Done with Fear
August 16, 2020
Jeff Schwarzentraub
As Israel transitioned their leadership from Moses to Joshua, Moses encouraged the entire assembly of Israel as well as Joshua to be strong and courageous. The reason for this confidence stemmed from the fact that it was the Lord who was going bef...
Do I Have Your Attention Yet?
August 23, 2020
Jeff Schwarzentraub
When we see the landscape of our culture and ask the question, “What in the world is going on?”, that is a signal that God is wanting to gain our attention. As Christians, we may wrongly think that God is simply upset at non-believers and is ready...
Christmas Eve 2020
December 24, 2020
Jeff Schwarzentraub
Trust God's Direction
January 3, 2021
Jeff Schwarzentraub
Experiencing Christ
August 16, 2021
Jeff Schwarzentraub
In one short verse of Galatians 2:20 we learn the secret to Paul living a victorious Christian life. In writing to the Galatians, he shared how the grace of God is what grows us and sanctifies rather than outward behaviors. This means that the Chr...
Engage the Mission
August 22, 2021
Jeff Schwarzentraub
While we were certainly not saved “by” good works we were certainly saved “for” good works. Unfortunately, in our current Christian culture this challenging truth often gets neglected. Far too often fruitless religious activity has replaced being ...
Our God is Awesome
August 29, 2021
Jeff Schwarzentraub
Paul’s doxologies in Ephesians 3:20-21 teach us about the character of our great God. When we truly understand our God, we learn that He is genuinely awesome! It’s imperative for us as believers to truly understand our God in order to hunger in ou...
It's Time to take the Next Step
September 12, 2021
Jeff Schwarzentraub
This week we launched our ministry calendar and spent time considering where the Lord is leading BRAVE Church this year. Using Hebrews 11:1&6 as our main text, we discussed ways that we should take the next step of faith as a church and as individ...
How Can I Inherit Eternal Life?
November 7, 2021
Jeff Schwarzentraub
“How can I inherit eternal life?” Human beings were created differently than anything else in God’s creation. We were created in His image, which is why asking the question about life after death is essential to what it means to be human. The trut...
Christmas Eve 2021
December 24, 2021
Jeff Schwarzentraub
Join us for our Christmas Eve service from December 24, 2021. The entire service is presented in its entirety, incuding all worship and candle-lighting elements.
Easter Sunday 2022
April 17, 2022
Jeff Schwarzentraub
Jesus came to seek and save those who are lost. This Easter, we look at the two sons in the story of the Prodigal Son and how the heart of the father is of love no matter what - just like the heart of our Heavenly Father.
Pause to Praise
April 24, 2022
Jeff Schwarzentraub
Often times we get so caught up in moving forward and getting to the next thing, that we don't stop to thank God for all the ways He blesses us. As we celebrate the first Sunday in our Englewood North building, we take time to pause and praise Him...
An Attitude of Gratitude
November 6, 2022
Jeff Schwarzentraub
Christmas Eve 2022
December 25, 2022
Jeff Schwarzentraub
January 2, 2023
Jeff Schwarzentraub
This week we kicked off the 2023 calendar year with a message from Mark 9 about Jesus’ healing of a young possessed boy. As Jesus returns from the mountain with Peter, James and John he sees a crowd of people arguing with His other 9 disciples. Wh...
Staying Strong After Your Fast
January 29, 2023
Jeff Schwarzentraub
This week as a church we ended our 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting. It was such a joy to know that so many different people had participated in a variety of ways. Seeking the Lord is such a blessing, but as we know, for every spiritual high there ca...
Good Friday 2023 Christ On The Cross
April 8, 2023
Jeff Schwarzentraub
Easter 2023 What's In The Gospel?
April 11, 2023
Jeff Schwarzentraub
A Woman of Excellence
May 14, 2023
Jeff Schwarzentraub
This week on Mother’s Day we addressed the significant value of a woman from Proverbs 31. In this text King Lemuel recalls to mind what his mother has taught him about the value of a woman and the kind of wife he was going to need to be successful...
It's Time!
June 18, 2023
Jeff Schwarzentraub
In our current “woke” culture, God’s design for gender is being neglected to follow satanic ideologies that promote the LGTBQ agenda. At BRAVE we champion the Word of God and desire that both men and women can live out the fullness of their design...
What in the World is Going On?
October 22, 2023
Jeff Schwarzentraub
Don't Fear the Fire
November 5, 2023
Jeff Schwarzentraub
Christmas Eve: Personal Christmas Reminders
December 24, 2023
Jeff Schwarzentraub
For Christ's Sake
December 31, 2023
Jeff Schwarzentraub
Churches God Champions
February 4, 2024
Jeff Schwarzentraub
Think About It
February 11, 2024
Justin Hart
The Hallmark of Christianity
March 24, 2024
Jeff Schwarzentraub
This week we discussed how forgiveness is central to the Christian faith. Forgiveness is depicted as limitless, costly, transferable, undeniable, and foundational to faith. The importance of extending forgiveness to others as we have received from...
Good Friday | The Death Of Death
March 29, 2024
Jeff Schwarzentraub
The sermon by Pastor Jeff emphasizes forgiveness as central to the Christian faith, using Easter events and biblical stories. Forgiveness is depicted as limitless, costly, transferable, undeniable, and foundational to faith. The importance of exte...
Arise | Easter 2024
March 31, 2024
Jeff Schwarzentraub
On Easter Sunday, Pastor Jeff unpacks 1 Peter 3:18, highlighting Christ's death forgiving sins and bringing us to God. He stresses that salvation comes through faith in Christ alone, not by good works. The purpose of Christ's death is to bring bel...
Make It Personal
June 2, 2024
Jon Gaus
Pastor Jon Gaus delivers a sermon titled "Make it Personal," focusing on discovering Jesus in the Old Testament and applying biblical truths to daily life. By comparing the complexity of the Old Testament to "Where's Waldo?", he explains how knowi...
Satisfying Service
June 30, 2024
Jeff Schwarzentraub
In this week's sermon, Pastor Jeff underscores the significance of recognizing and utilizing the spiritual gifts bestowed by God. He emphasizes that believers are divinely equipped to contribute significantly to the kingdom. These gifts are not in...
The Battle for Breakthrough
July 7, 2024
Justin Hart
Pastor Justin Hart shares a story about a radio conversation to illustrate how we often approach prayer, trying to change God's direction. He emphasizes listening to God's guidance to avoid collisions with problems. Through the example of Daniel, ...
Grow Up
September 1, 2024
Justin Hart
In today's sermon, Pastor emphasized the importance of stepping into our callings as Christians, urging congregants to recognize that every believer is a minister, equipped to serve and affect change in their communities. He shared personal anecdo...
Radical Like Jesus
September 8, 2024
Greg Stier
Greg Stier emphasizes the importance of being radical like Jesus, challenging the congregation to embody His values in their daily lives. He reflects on his personal journey and the transformative power of the gospel, sharing stories of how bold e...
Let Your Kingdom Come
September 15, 2024
Jeff Schwarzentraub
Pastor Jeff delivered a powerful message emphasizing the sovereignty of Jesus as King over His kingdom and the importance of giving Him our full allegiance as citizens of Heaven. He highlighted that Jesus expects His followers to actively particip...
Understanding the Times
November 10, 2024
Jeff Schwarzentraub
Pastor Jeff celebrates the 14th anniversary of Brave Church, highlighting not only the church's growth but also honoring veterans coinciding with Veterans Day. He emphasizes the importance of understanding the times by looking up to God in worship...
Three Be’s
November 24, 2024
Jeff Schwarzentraub
Pastor Jeff emphasizes the importance of being joyful, prayerful, and thankful as key elements of living according to God's will. He encourages individuals to prioritize worship by rejoicing always, even during difficult circumstances, and to main...
IMMANUEL - God with Us
December 24, 2024
Jeff Schwarzentraub
On Christmas Eve, Pastor Jeff emphasizes the significance of the unique birth of Jesus Christ and its implications for humanity. He recounts how Jesus was born of a virgin, fulfilling ancient prophecies, and underscores the unique ministry and mis...
What You Need to Win Your War
December 29, 2024
Justin Hart
Pastor Hart emphasized that as Christians, we are engaged in a spiritual battle and must recognize God’s role in our victories. He outlined five key principles for winning our war: being humbled by God's provision, championing a legacy, guarding o...
Taking Ground
March 9, 2025
Jeff Schwarzentraub